Say Goodbye to Unsightly Extension Cables
With every colour to match your interior...
Luke Edward Hall - Financial Times
"The extension cords made by Lola’s Leads, which come with cord-covered cables in a range of colours. Practical, yes, but also genius."
India Knight - Style The Sunday Times
"Extension leads are necessary, annoying and also hideous. Lola's Leads are fabric ones made in a range of pleasing colours that are so lovely you don't mind them being visible - or you can match the colour to your rug or flooring so they more or less disappear."
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by Lolapalooza
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Lola’s Leads are the stylish and colourful solution to that unsightly plastic extension cord you’re always trying to hide. With the rise of people working from home, the need for a sexy alternative to getting power to the other side of room has become abundant. Whether you rent, live in large house or just don’t want to spend the money on fully rewiring, extension cords are a necessity in our lives; so why do they have to be ugly!
"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful"
William Morris